At Notre Dame, your program will run on one of the student servers and display on your desktop or laptop. Full name of font: Graphik X Condensed Bold: Family: Graphik X Condensed: Style: Bold: Font version: Version 1. This library runs on Unix machines with the X11 Windowing System. Welcome to our library of original guides to the world of typography, which the Google Fonts team is producing in collaboration with typographic experts from. As you learn more about programming, more advanced libraries that you might consider using are OpenGL for precise 3-D graphics, Qt for windowed applications, and SDL for video games. GraphIK is a library for solving inverse kinematics problems by modelling robots as geometric graphs and using concepts from distance geometry. It doesn't do everything that you might want a graphics library to do. It is more than enough to explore raster and vector graphics, create animations, draw fractal shapes, and write simple video games. Full name of font: Graphik X Condensed Super: Family: Graphik X Condensed: Style: Unknown: Font version: Version 1. The gfx library only requires that the programmer understand how to invoke basic C functions with scalar arguments. HBS Graphik Regular, Medium, Semibold, and Bold provide a solid groundwork for basic font usage. Frutiger imposed strict discipline across all elements of the series, from light to dark, extra condensed to extended, a concordance of design that was possible in the foundry type and photocomposition fonts. This library is meant to be simple and easy to learn, so that beginning CSE students can get right into the interesting parts of programming. Univers was designed by Adrian Frutiger on Swiss principles for Charles Peignot at Deberny & Peignot. This page describes gfx, a simple graphics library for introductory CSE courses.